I stumbled upon on an Ebay bargain I could not resist, thankfully my old boss and good friend Wilhelm kindly allowed me to purchase a VNX 7600 with all the drives, and run the monster in a closet in our office! W.W also let me spend some time exploring the internals of the VNX. The original owner shuffled all the drives around including the sacred first 5 drives that contain the FLARE OS rendering it useless.

Thanks to some of my friends at EMC who accidentally left a 200 page setup manual and the FLARE software on a CD. With a serial cable in hand I managed to get the beast working after forking out a bit more cash for a 10Gb switch.

Command output from messing about with it over a serial cable that may help others:

The commands are also relevant to a VNX 7600 or any other EMC VNX model.

Enter Driver Type [d:device intf, n:named pipe intf] : ^C
C:\>flarecons d f a
Entering Main Loop
Connecting to Flare ...
Calling CreateFile for (\\.\fl_cons)...
Connection Established
The Subsystem is Currently Powering Up...Please Wait!
Copyright (c) EMC CORPORATION   1991 - 2000   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Unpublished - all rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States

                                CORE SOFTWARE

This software is considered to be "Core Software".  Core Software may
be used only by users properly licensed to use Core Software, and only
according to the terms of that license.

02/26/2015 11:26:39
fcli> help

Notes: command full name/abbreviation - summary

lccgetlog/lccgetlog- Initiates the extraction of Yukon event logs and stores at
location c:\dumps
lccgetstats/lccgetstats- Retrieves the Stiletto CTS Physical Layer info
drivegetlog/drivegetlog- Extracts error logs for a drive. It supports
    NorthStar and SATA EFD drives.
  lccmode/lccmode- Sets/Displays the Yukon special mode settings
lcctesttime/ltt  - Set and get LCC firmware revision test time
  ioports/ioports- Display IOM and Port Information
setportbsc/setpb- Assign Uninitialized Ports For Use
  clearlog/cl   - Destroy contents of RAID storage controller's error log
    access/acc  - Sets access mode to user or eng mode
    eccerr/ecc  - Inject single / multi bit ECC errors
    lrucmd/lru  - Read or write LRU registers
getphystate/gphy - get state of the phy
  enclinfo/ei   - Get Flare enclosure information for enclosures on SAS busses
  encltabl/et   - Dump the SAS encl_tabl array
  getencls/gels - get enclosure list
  setencl/sei  - Set Flare enclosure information for a SAS enclosure on a SAS b
    getlog/l    - Returns specified portions of the SP's unsolicited event log
    getwwn/gw   - get current World Wide Name Seed
pagebreak/pgb  - Continuous or page-breaking display
getdropevtcnt/gdec - Get drop event messages count

Press any key to continue....

getprominfo/gp   - Displays the Resume PROM information for a particular device
lccupgrade/lcc  - Controls and monitors the upgrading of the LCC firmware
lccdebugcmd/ld   - Issue a LCC Debug command to simulate faults on the specified
  phystat/phy  - Clears or Retrieves PHY link level statistics
    expbuf/eb   - read expander flash buffer
      env/env  - Make changes to Bus/Enclosure/Disk Configurations
      fcl/fcl  - Display Flare Commit Level and related information
      help/?    - List all available commands with summary
    lustat/ls   - Logical Unit Status -- summary info for all LU's
  setcache/c    - Modify cache configuration and state information
    setled/led  - Sets LED control parameters/configuration.
  setdate/da   - Set the Storage Processor date and time
  setdisk/di   - Set disk configuration parameters
    seterr/e    - Set/Display periodic error reporting
  setunit/u    - Sets unit parameters not associated with cache
    spstat/sp   - Show summary of various statistics/revisions
suitcaseinfo/sci  - Show summary of suitcase information
mezzanineinfo/mzi  - Show summary of mezzanine status
  mcuinfo/mcui - Show summary of mcu status
  spsinfo/si   - Show all SPS related information
  sfpinfo/sfp  - Show all SFP related information
  trespass/tr   - Trespass a Logical Unit (LUN)

Enter Driver Type [d:device intf, n:named pipe intf] : ^C
C:\>flarecons d f a
Entering Main Loop
Connecting to Flare ...
Calling CreateFile for (\\.\fl_cons)...
Connection Established
The Subsystem is Currently Powering Up...Please Wait!
Copyright (c) EMC CORPORATION   1991 - 2000   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Unpublished - all rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States

                                CORE SOFTWARE

This software is considered to be "Core Software".  Core Software may
be used only by users properly licensed to use Core Software, and only
according to the terms of that license.

02/26/2015 11:26:39
fcli> help

Notes: command full name/abbreviation - summary

lccgetlog/lccgetlog- Initiates the extraction of Yukon event logs and stores at
location c:\dumps
lccgetstats/lccgetstats- Retrieves the Stiletto CTS Physical Layer info
drivegetlog/drivegetlog- Extracts error logs for a drive. It supports
    NorthStar and SATA EFD drives.
  lccmode/lccmode- Sets/Displays the Yukon special mode settings
lcctesttime/ltt  - Set and get LCC firmware revision test time
  ioports/ioports- Display IOM and Port Information
setportbsc/setpb- Assign Uninitialized Ports For Use
  clearlog/cl   - Destroy contents of RAID storage controller's error log
    access/acc  - Sets access mode to user or eng mode
    eccerr/ecc  - Inject single / multi bit ECC errors
    lrucmd/lru  - Read or write LRU registers
getphystate/gphy - get state of the phy
  enclinfo/ei   - Get Flare enclosure information for enclosures on SAS busses
  encltabl/et   - Dump the SAS encl_tabl array
  getencls/gels - get enclosure list
  setencl/sei  - Set Flare enclosure information for a SAS enclosure on a SAS b
    getlog/l    - Returns specified portions of the SP's unsolicited event log
    getwwn/gw   - get current World Wide Name Seed
pagebreak/pgb  - Continuous or page-breaking display
getdropevtcnt/gdec - Get drop event messages count

Press any key to continue....

getprominfo/gp   - Displays the Resume PROM information for a particular device
lccupgrade/lcc  - Controls and monitors the upgrading of the LCC firmware
lccdebugcmd/ld   - Issue a LCC Debug command to simulate faults on the specified
  phystat/phy  - Clears or Retrieves PHY link level statistics
    expbuf/eb   - read expander flash buffer
      env/env  - Make changes to Bus/Enclosure/Disk Configurations
      fcl/fcl  - Display Flare Commit Level and related information
      help/?    - List all available commands with summary
    lustat/ls   - Logical Unit Status -- summary info for all LU's
  setcache/c    - Modify cache configuration and state information
    setled/led  - Sets LED control parameters/configuration.
  setdate/da   - Set the Storage Processor date and time
  setdisk/di   - Set disk configuration parameters
    seterr/e    - Set/Display periodic error reporting
  setunit/u    - Sets unit parameters not associated with cache
    spstat/sp   - Show summary of various statistics/revisions
suitcaseinfo/sci  - Show summary of suitcase information
mezzanineinfo/mzi  - Show summary of mezzanine status
  mcuinfo/mcui - Show summary of mcu status
  spsinfo/si   - Show all SPS related information
  sfpinfo/sfp  - Show all SFP related information
  trespass/tr   - Trespass a Logical Unit (LUN)

zero_disk/zd   - Initiate/Abort/Status factory-zeroing of disks
configmgmtport/cmp  - Configure the management port speed setting.
    green/gr   - Power Saving features engineering interface.
      dst/dst  - Drive Standby Thread (DST).
  aenstat/aen  - AEN enclosure stats -- Displays summary of AEN enclosure lists

That doesnt look like much lets try engineering mode. 
fcli> acc -m 1

02/28/2015 05:15:31
fcli> help

Notes: command full name/abbreviation - summary

lccgetlog/lccgetlog- Initiates the extraction of Yukon event logs and stores at
location c:\dumps
lccgetstats/lccgetstats- Retrieves the Stiletto CTS Physical Layer info
drivegetlog/drivegetlog- Extracts error logs for a drive. It supports
    NorthStar and SATA EFD drives.
  lccmode/lccmode- Sets/Displays the Yukon special mode settings
lcctesttime/ltt  - Set and get LCC firmware revision test time
  ioports/ioports- Display IOM and Port Information
setportbsc/setpb- Assign Uninitialized Ports For Use
setportadv/setpa- Modify Current Port Assignment or Assign Uninitialized Ports F
or Use(excpet BE0)
      neit/neit - NTBE Error Injection Tool
      dieh/dieh - Drive Improved Error Handling Tool
      rdt/rdt  - Raid Driver Tester
    rdgen/rdg  - Raid Driver I/O Generator
    rdstat/rs   - Raid Driver Status
      bind/b    - Bind physical disks into logical RAID levels
                  or create a RAID Group configuration
bgs_enable_state/bgs_es- Display Background Service Enable States.
  bgs_halt/bgsh - Block a Background Service and stop running service instances
bgs_unhalt/bgsu - Unblock a Background Service and schedule it to run
  clearlog/cl   - Destroy contents of RAID storage controller's error log
cleardirtycache/cld  - Clear Cache Dirty flag and enable
      ddt/ddt  - Device Driver Tester

Press any key to continue....

    debug/d    - Catch-all command
    access/acc  - Sets access mode to user or eng mode
    eccerr/ecc  - Inject single / multi bit ECC errors
  fastbind/fb   - FastBind feature operations
flaredebugtracing/fdt  - Flare Debug Tracing
    lrucmd/lru  - Read or write LRU registers
getphystate/gphy - get state of the phy
  enclinfo/ei   - Get Flare enclosure information for enclosures on SAS busses
  encltabl/et   - Dump the SAS encl_tabl array
  getencls/gels - get enclosure list
  setencl/sei  - Set Flare enclosure information for a SAS enclosure on a SAS b
    getlog/l    - Returns specified portions of the SP's unsolicited event log
    getwwn/gw   - get current World Wide Name Seed
pagebreak/pgb  - Continuous or page-breaking display
getdropevtcnt/gdec - Get drop event messages count
getprominfo/gp   - Displays the Resume PROM information for a particular device
lccupgrade/lcc  - Controls and monitors the upgrading of the LCC firmware
lccdebugcmd/ld   - Issue a LCC Debug command to simulate faults on the specified
    lccvol/lv   - Issue a LCC Debug command to change voltage margin on the spec
ified encl
lccfaultinsertion/lfi  - Request LCC Fault Insertion diplex commands.
  phystat/phy  - Clears or Retrieves PHY link level statistics
    expbuf/eb   - read expander flash buffer

Press any key to continue....

      env/env  - Make changes to Bus/Enclosure/Disk Configurations
      fcl/fcl  - Display Flare Commit Level and related information
      help/?    - List all available commands with summary
      lock/lk   - Lock the console input from making config changes
    lustat/ls   - Logical Unit Status -- summary info for all LU's
      odt/odt  - Object DataBase Driver Tester
      odbs/odbs - Object DataBase Disk Operation
    odbsdt/odbsdt- ODBS Debug Tool
  memstat/m    - Memory Usage Statistics
    panic/panic- Immediately panic the SP, debug only
  promburn/pb   - Flashes a PROM image already loaded into memory via debugger
      quit/quit - Exit FCLI and enter Serial Application Mode
  setcache/c    - Modify cache configuration and state information
    setled/led  - Sets LED control parameters/configuration.
    setcon/con  - Set/Display console TTY parameters
setcontrol/ctr  - Set RAID control's configuration
  setdate/da   - Set the Storage Processor date and time
  setdisk/di   - Set disk configuration parameters
    seterr/e    - Set/Display periodic error reporting
  sethost/h    - Set/Display the host interface options
    setopt/o    - Set/Display the system options package number
  setport/po   - Allow front end fiber ports to be enabled or disabled

Press any key to continue....

  setstats/st   - Set performance or power saving statistics logging on/off.
setucache/uc   - Sets unit cache parameters
  setunit/u    - Sets unit parameters not associated with cache
setverify/v    - Sets unit, group and system verify parameters, starts backgrou
nd verify
    spstat/sp   - Show summary of various statistics/revisions
suitcaseinfo/sci  - Show summary of suitcase information
mezzanineinfo/mzi  - Show summary of mezzanine status
  mcuinfo/mcui - Show summary of mcu status
  spsinfo/si   - Show all SPS related information
  sfpinfo/sfp  - Show all SFP related information
  trespass/tr   - Trespass a Logical Unit (LUN)
    unbind/ub   - Deconfigure physical disks from current logical configuration
  setgroup/sg   - Create or change the configuration of a RAID GROUP.
    unlock/ulk  - Unlock the console input to allow making config changes
zero_disk/zd   - Initiate/Abort/Status factory-zeroing of disks
  download/dl   - Downloads drive ucode already loaded into memory
        ☺/☺    - Return Control to Serial_Man
    rderr/rderr- Raid Driver Error Simulator
    xordrv/xordrv- XOR Driver
    setbus/sb   - Set physical fibre bus hold status
    astats/as   - I/O Abort Statistics
  fix_disk/fd   - Fix on-disk databases

Press any key to continue....

  read_db/rd   - Read database for fru table
  fix_lun/fl   - Fixes LUN's database
proactive_spare/ps   - Proactively spare a disk
  rebootsp/reboot- Reboot SP
run_script/runscript- Allows a script to execute FCLI commands
conversioncommitcheck/ccc  - set conversion commit LUN checking to on/off
    sleep/sl   - Sleep for certain time
configmgmtport/cmp  - Configure the management port speed setting.
setloopspeed/sls  - set the back end loop speed for a specified bus
  upper_dh/udh  - Upper DH IO Information and statistics
fbe_shim_util/fsutil- Utilities for geting info and manipulating the fbe shim
fbe_pdo_util/pdoutil- Utilities for geting info and manipulating the Physical Dr
ive Object (PDO)
forcerpread/frr  - Forces resume prom reading.
  fsspstat/fssp - FBE Shim Slow Path Statistics: Statistics for Slow-Path IO Req
  lshrink/lshr - Modify capacity of a lun, external and internal
modifyintcap/mcint- Modify internal capacity of a lun
    green/gr   - Power Saving features engineering interface.
      dst/dst  - Drive Standby Thread (DST).
dbconsistencycheck/dbc  - Database Consistency Tool
reset_weight/rst_wt- Accept reset weight for unstable enclosure removal
  aenstat/aen  - AEN enclosure stats -- Displays summary of AEN enclosure lists

Lets do an ls show lus 
fcli> ls

Logical Unit Summary:

      RAID   LUN    Dflt.     Unit
LUN   Group  Attr.  Owner     Type    Capacity   Cache  State     FRUs
----  -----  -----  ------   -------  --------   -----  -----  -------------
  0     1      G     SP-A    HotSpare   536.8 GB  ---     ENA    20
  1     0      G     SP-A     RAID-5     11.0 GB  RW-     ENA    0 1 2 3 4
  2     0      G     SP-A     RAID-5     11.0 GB  RW-     ENA    0 1 2 3 4
  3     0      G     SP-A     RAID-5      2.0 GB  RW-     ENA    0 1 2 3 4
  4     0      G     SP-A     RAID-5      2.0 GB  RW-     ENA    0 1 2 3 4
  5     0      G     SP-A     RAID-5      2.0 GB  RW-     ENA    0 1 2 3 4
  6     0      G     SP-A     RAID-5     32.0 GB  RW-     ENA    0 1 2 3 4
  7     0      G     SP-A     RAID-5    113.4 GB  RW-     ENA    0 1 2 3 4
  8     0      G     SP-B     RAID-5    113.4 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 0 1 2 3 4
  9   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    25 24 23 22 21

  10   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 25 24 23 22 21

  11   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 25 24 23 22 21

  12   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    25 24 23 22 21
  13   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    25 24 23 22 21
  14   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    25 24 23 22 21
  15   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 25 24 23 22 21
  16   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 25 24 23 22 21
  17   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 25 24 23 22 21
  18   239      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    25 24 23 22 21
  19   238      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    6 7 8 9
  20   238      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 6 7 8 9
  21   238      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    6 7 8 9(BV:97%
  22   238      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 6 7 8 9(BZR:15
  23   238      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    6 7 8 9(BZR:5%
  24   238      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 6 7 8 9(BZR:17
  25   238      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    6 7 8 9(BZR:34
  26   238      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 6 7 8 9(BZR:39
  39   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-   RDY   44 43 42 41 40
  40   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-   RDY   44 43 42 41 40
  41   236      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    29 28 27 26
  42   236      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    29 28 27 26
  43   236      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    29 28 27 26(BV
  44   236      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    29 28 27 26
  45   236      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    29 28 27 26(BZ
  46   236      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 29 28 27 26(BZ
  47   236      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 29 28 27 26(BZ
  48   236      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    29 28 27 26(BZ
  49   235      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-   RDY   32 31 30
  50   235      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-   RDY   32 31 30
  51   235      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-    ->ENA   32 31 30
  52   235      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-    ASSG:PEER   32 31 30
  53   235      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-   RDY   32 31 30
  54   235      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-    ->ENA   32 31 30
  55   234      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    36 35 34 33
  56   234      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 36 35 34 33
  57   234      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    36 35 34 33(BV
  58   234      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 36 35 34 33(BZ
  59   234      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 36 35 34 33(BZ
  60   234      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    36 35 34 33(BZ
  61   234      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 36 35 34 33(BZ
  62   234      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    201.3 GB  RW-     ENA    36 35 34 33(BZ
  63   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-    ASSG:PEER   44 43 42 4
1 40
  64   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-    ->ENA   44 43 42 41 40

  65   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-    ->ENA   44 43 42 41 40

  66   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-    ->ENA   44 43 42 41 40

  67   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-    ->ENA   44 43 42 41 40

  68   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-    ->ENA   44 43 42 41 40

  69   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-   RDY   44 43 42 41 40
  70   233      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RD-   RDY   44 43 42 41 40
  71   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18

  72   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18

  73   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18

  74   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18
  75   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18
  76   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18
  77   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18
  78   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18

  79   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18

  80   232      GP    SP-A     RAID-5    214.7 GB  RW-     ENA    39 38 37 19 18

  81   231      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-     ENA    15 16 17
  82   231      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-     ENA    15 16 17
  83   231      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-     ENA    15 16 17(BV:19
  84   231      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-   ENA:PEER 15 16 17
  85   231      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-     ENA    15 16 17(BZR:5
  86   231      GP    SP-B     RAID-5    178.9 GB  RW-     ENA    15 16 17(BZR:3
115   201      G     SP-A    HotSpare   268.4 GB  ---   RDY*   45(DEAD)
8192   960      S     SP-A     RAID-1      2.0 GB  R--     ENA    0 1 2
8193   960      S     SP-B     RAID-1      100 MB  R--     ENA    0 1 2
8196   961      F     SP-A     RAID-3     16.0 GB  ---     ENA    0 1 2 3 4

Some mor stuff

Find it in C:\EMC\ManagementServer\7.30.xx.2.xx.1\ECOMCIMOM\bin\system\MluCLI.exe

MluCLI Polling Commands:
poll [-token <value>] [-p] [-s]

polllu [-luwwn <wwn>] [-m [-o <Starting offset> -l <length>] ]


MluCLI Pool Commands:
createpool -<password> [-name <name>] -raidtype <RAID5 | RAID6 | RAID10> 
           [-desc <description>] [-freeThreshold <threshold>] 
           [-diskpoolid <diskPoolId>] [-userid <pool_user_id>]
           [-estimatedsize <est_pool_size>] [-restore] [-poolid <pool_id>]
           [-efdccurrentstate <efdc_current_state>] [-efdcdesiredstate <efdc_desired_state>]
           [-sliceaccounting <1=Enable, 0=Disable>]
           [-restricted <threshold>] [-prohibited <threshold>]

addflu -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> -lun <LUN number> [-autodeleteprocess]

activateflus -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> [-restore]

deletefluprocess -<password> -fluId <Flu Process ID>

destroyingpool -<password> -poolid <pool id>

removeflu -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> -lun <LUN number>

deletepool -<password> -poolid <poolid> [-force]

setpoolprop -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> [-name <name>] [-desc <description>]
            [-freeThreshold <threshold>] [-DiskPoolID <new_id_number>]
            [-efdccurrentstate <efdc_current_state>] [-efdcdesiredstate <efdc_desired_state>]
            [-sliceaccounting <1=Enable, 0=Disable>]
            [-restricted <threshold>] [-prohibited <threshold>]

getpoolprop -poolid <Pool ID> [-lucount <lu count>] [-lusize <lu size in blocks>]

shrinkpool -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> -lun <LUN number> [-lun <LUN number>]

getpoolstats -revid <Revision ID> -poolid <Pool ID>

MluCLI Pool Recovery Commands:
recoverpool -<password> -revid <Revision ID> -poolid <pool id>
            -checkonly <0 = no, 1 = yes>

deleterecoverpool -<password> -poolid <pool id> 
                  -procid <pool recovery id>

abortrecoverpool -<password> -poolid <pool id>
                 -procid <Pool Recovery ID>

throttlerecoverpool -<password> -poolid <pool id>
                    -procid <Pool Recovery ID> -throttle <ThrottleRate 0-100> 

clearpoolrecoveryflag -<password> -poolid <pool id>

setpoolrecoveryflag -<password> -revid <Revision ID>  -poolid <pool id> 
                    -recoveryflag <1=now, 2=ASAP, 4=Later>

ndbaddflu -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> -lun <LUN number> 
          -fluobjectid <FLU OID> -wwn <WWN> -fluvolumeid < Flu Volume ID>

MluCLI LU Commands:
createlu -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> [-lun <LUN number>]
       -size <LU_size_in_blocks> [-offset <LU offset>] 
       [-defaultSP <default owner>] [-allocSP <Allocation SP>]
       [-reservedspace <size_in_blocks>] [-dlu | -tlu | -slu | -fslu | -dmlu]
       [-name <LU Name>]
       [-tierpref <1=None,2=Lowest,3=Highest>]
       [-relocationpolicy <1=None,2=Tier Preference,3=Optimal>]

destroylu -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> -luwwn <LU WWN> | -lun <LUN Number>

expandlu -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> -luwwn <LU wwn> 
          -size <Expanded size in blocks> [-autodelete]

shrinklu -<password> -poolid <Pool ID> -luwwn <LU wwn> 
          -size <Shrunken size in blocks> [-autodelete]

setluprop -<password> -revid <Revision ID> -poolid <Pool ID> 
           -wwn <WWN of LU to set properties for>
           [-name <name>] [-lunid <New logical id>]
           [-tierpref <1=None,2=Lowest,3=Highest>]
           [-relocationpolicy <1=None,2=Tier Preference,3=Optimal>]
           [-checksumoptions <integer value of bits to set>]

getluprop -revid <Revision ID> -poolid <Pool ID> -luwwn <LU WWN> 
          [-deltatoken <Token from previous get prop>]

MluCLI LU Recovery Commands:
recoverlu -<password> -revid <Revision ID> 
          -luwwn <LU WWN> | -lun <LU LUN Number>

abortrecoverlu -<password> -procid <lu Recovery ID>
               -luwwn <LU WWN> | -lun <LU Number>

throttlerecoverlu -<password> -procid <lu Recovery ID> 
                  -throttle <ThrottleRate 0-100> 
                  -luwwn <LU WWN> | -lun <LU Number>

deleterecoverlu -<password> -procid <lu Recovery ID>
                -luwwn <LU WWN> | -lun <LU Number>

ackrecoverlu -<password> -luwwn <LU WWN> | -lun <LU Number>

clearlurecoveryflag -<password> -luwwn <LU WWN> | -lun <LU Number>

setlurecoveryflag -<password> -revid <Revision ID>
                  -luwwn <LU WWN> | -lun <LU Number>
                  -recoveryflag <1=now, 2=ASAP, 4=Later>

restorelu -<password> -revid <Revision ID> -poolid <Pool ID> -wwn <LU WWN>
          -lun <lun number> -name <name> -size <LU size> -offset <LU offset>
          -defaultSP <default owner> -allocSP <Allocation SP>
          -luobjectid <LU OID> -filesystemoid <FS OID> -MLUfsid <id> 
           -type <LU Type, 0=DLU,1=TLU,2=SLU,3=FSLU,4=DMLU>
          -rootsliceid <Rootid> -rootsliceoffset <Rootoffset> 
          -rootslicelength <Rootlength>
          -firstsliceid <Firstid> -firstsliceoffset <Firstoffset> 
          -firstslicelen <Firstlength>
          -CBFSfsid <fsid> -CBFSinodenum <inodenum> -CBFSgennum <gennum> 
          -rootsliceposition <rootposition> 
          -firstscliceposition <firstposition> 
          -fileoid <File oid> 
          -tierpref <1=None,2=Lowest,3=Highest>
          -relocationpolicy <1=None,2=Tier Preference,3=Optimal>
          -compressionenabled <0/1>
          -compressionrate  <Compression Rate>
          -compressionoriglutype  <Compression Original LU type>

MluCLI Slice Commands:
freeslice -<password> -revid <Revision ID>  -poolid <pool id>
           -deviceid <Device Id> -offset <Slice Offset> -length <Slice length>

commitslice -<password> -revid <Revision ID>  -poolid <pool id> 
               -deviceid <Device Id> -offset <Slice Offset>
               -length <Slice length> -fsid <FS ID> -pos <Slice Position> 

allocateslice -<password> -revid <Revision ID>  -poolid <pool id> 
                -fsid <FS ID> -pos <Slice Position> -reloc <Slice Relocation> 

relocateslice -<password> -oldsliceFluObjectId <Flu Object Id> -oldsliceoffset <Slice offset>
              -oldslicelength <Slice length> -fsid <FS Object Id>
              -throttle <Throttle Value> -type <0=AT, 1=Pool Shrink>
              -rg <RG Id> -sp <Allocation Sp, 0=SPA 1=SPB>
              -minperf <Min Performance Estimate> -maxperf <Max Performance Estimate>
              [-newsliceFluObjectId <Flu Object Id>] [-newsliceoffset <Slice offset>]
              [-newslicelength <Slice length>]

deleterelocateslice -<password> -procid <Relocate Process Id>

abortrelocateslice -<password> -procid <Relocate Process Id>

throttlerelocateslice -<password> -procid <Relocate Process Id> -throttle <throttle value>

setrelocatesliceinfo -<password> -oldsliceFluObjectId <Flu Object Id> -oldsliceoffset <Slice offset>
              -oldslicelength <Slice length> -procid <Relocate Object Id>
              [-newsliceFluObjectId <Flu Object Id>] [-newsliceoffset <Slice offset>]
              [-newslicelength <Slice length>]

MluCLI Compression Commands:
getcompression -lunwwn <lun wwn string> 


compressionpoll [-token <delta token>] [-stats <0|1>]

compress -<password> -lunwwn <lun wwn string> -luntype <FLU|DLU|TLU> 
         -poolid <Internal pool ID> -rate <low|medium|high> -capacity <blocks> 
         -bindoffset <bind offset> -defaultowner <a|b> 
         [-tier <1|2|3>] [-policy <1|2|3>]

decompress -<password> -lunwwn <lun wwn string> -luntype <FLU|DLU|TLU> 
         [-poolid <Internal pool ID>] [-rate <low|medium|high>] [-capacity <blocks>]
         [-bindoffset <bind offset>] [-defaultowner <a|b>] 
         [-tier <1|2|3>] [-policy <1|2|3>]

pausecompression -<password> -lunwwn <lun wwn string> -luntype <FLU|DLU|TLU> 
         [-poolid <Internal pool ID>] [-rate <low|medium|high>] [-capacity <blocks>]
         [-bindoffset <bind offset>] [-defaultowner <a|b>] 
         [-tier <1|2|3>] [-policy <1|2|3>]

resumecompression -<password> -lunwwn <lun wwn string> -luntype <FLU|DLU|TLU> 
         [-poolid <Internal pool ID>] [-rate <low|medium|high>] [-capacity <blocks>]
         [-bindoffset <bind offset>] [-defaultowner <a|b>] 
         [-tier <1|2|3>] [-policy <1|2|3>]

overridecompthreshold -<password> -lunwwn <lun wwn string> -luntype <FLU|DLU|TLU> 
         [-poolid <Internal pool ID>] [-rate <low|medium|high>] [-capacity <blocks>]
         [-bindoffset <bind offset>] [-defaultowner <a|b>] 
         [-tier <1|2|3>] [-policy <1|2|3>]

recompress -<password> -lunwwn <lun wwn string> -luntype <FLU|DLU|TLU> 
         [-poolid <Internal pool ID>] [-rate <low|medium|high>] [-capacity <blocks>]
         [-bindoffset <bind offset>] [-defaultowner <a|b>] 
         [-tier <1|2|3>] [-policy <1|2|3>]

cleanupmigration -<password> -lunwwn <lun wwn string> -luntype <FLU|DLU|TLU> 
         [-poolid <Internal pool ID>] [-rate <low|medium|high>] [-capacity <blocks>]
         [-bindoffset <bind offset>] [-defaultowner <a|b>] 
         [-tier <1|2|3>] [-policy <1|2|3>]

changecomprate -<password> -lunwwn <lun wwn string> -rate <low|medium|high> -luntype <FLU|DLU|TLU> 
         [-poolid <Internal pool ID>] [-rate <low|medium|high>] [-capacity <blocks>]
         [-bindoffset <bind offset>] [-defaultowner <a|b>] 
         [-tier <1|2|3>] [-policy <1|2|3>]

suspendcompall -<password> 

resumecompall -<password> 

seterrorinjection -<password> <Error Code>

MluCLI Miscellaneous Commands:
setCoarseTier -set 0/1/2 

pauseowner -owner <ownerid> -pool <poolid> 

resumerowner -owner <ownerid> -pool <poolid> 

checkoutrc -<password> -owner <owner_id> -pool <pool_id>
                    -resvdelta <reservation_delta> -spid <0 | 1>

modifyrc -<password> -owner <owner_id> -pool <pool_id>
                     -resvcount <reservation_count> -spid <0 | 1>

checkinrc -<password> -owner <owner_id> -pool <pool_id>
                      -spid <0 | 1>

printsat -revid <Revision ID>  -pool <pool id>
         -key <OwnerId/DeviceId> -bylu -takeownership
         -option <list_option>

performancetest -<password> -revid <Revision ID>
                           <-set | -get | -reset>
                            -maptype <0=use CBFS, 1=simulate CBFS>
                            -mapto < 0 = Slice , 1 = LUN >

clearcachedirty -<password> -revid <Revision ID> -wwn <FLU_WWN>

degrademlu -<password> -revid <Revision ID> 

faildestroys -<password> -state < 0 = off , 1 = on>

delaydestroys -<password> -delay <# of seconds to delay>

triggerevac -fsoid <OID> 

failallocations -state < 0 = off, 1 = on>
                 -client <"cbfs", "Compression", "all" etc...>

exceptiontest -exception <Exception Id> [-alter_parameter <value>|-delay <value>| -panic | -clear]


setdriverprops -<password> [-debuglevel <debug_level>] [-taskrate <0 | 1>]

MluCLI objectops Manpage
objectops -<password> -activate -oid <OID>

objectops -<password> -deactivate -oid <OID>

objectops -<password> -remove_existence_dependency -dependent <OID> -requisite <Oid>

objectops -<password> -remove_state_dependency -dependent <OID> -requisite <Oid>

objectops -<password> -add_existence_dependency -dependent <OID> -requisite <Oid>

objectops -<password> -add_state_dependency -dependent <OID> -requisite <Oid>

objectops -<password> -reset -oid <OID>

objectops -<password> -destroy -oid <OID>

objectops -<password> -info -oid <OID>


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