TQFP-48 Breakout AKA NO. SA248 XELTEK Pinout

I am working on a project with the STM32F103C8 and I not using a dev board but rather a breakout board called SMT Test Socket TQFP-48 Breakout AKA NO. SA248 XELTEK

I had to spend some time chasing the connections manually to draw the pinout: - Pin 1 on the “DIP” pinout (top left) does not line up with pin 1 of the STM chip. The QFP’s pin #1 is at STM pin 7.

Here is the diagram I have created in draw.io

I am always confused about VSS and VDD so here is a little reference:

  • Vcc—Vdd = Positive supply voltage (+)

  • Vee—Vss = Negative supply / ground (-)


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